Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Video

I finally got my video made. Sorry guys, I have been in Florida this week, so I was a little late getting it up.

I used PowerPoint to make my slides, and I found a website where there are free pics with no copyright. They are free to use on web pages, PowerPoint etc. The website is

I had a hard time finding music that seemed melancholy, but I finally found some on

I have always wanted to learn how to do this type of thing so that I can make videos of my kids sports with music in the background. That will be I am very grateful that I finally learned how. It will also be a priceless tool to use in the classroom.

This assignment was VERY FUN!!!

My video begins with a personal experience, including my own personal thoughts. I included some educational aspects to the video using statistics about world poverty as it pertains to children.

I noticed after moving my slides to make my movie, some of the words were a bit blurry. I figured out that I would have been better not to copy and paste anything into power point, I should have just retyped everything, because for some reason it later blurred. But it was still readable, so I left it for now. It would be very difficult to change at this point, but I am glad I figured it out for later.
Hope you enjoy.

Here is the link to my video:

Please let me know if you have any problems viewing. The first time I uploaded, the movie played half-way through and then said it was unavailable, so I uploaded again and it was fine.


At April 6, 2009 at 5:57 AM , Blogger Kim Clevinger said...

This video really touched my heart. It is such a sad thing to see how poverty affects so many of the children in America today. It is equally as sad to hear a teacher say little things as you mentioned about students they teach. As a teacher we should have a special place in our hearts for the children we teach and should never put them down because of the clothes they wear or the fact that they have never been on vacation. I think the ending said it long as children are healthy and have parents who love them that is what matters most. It is definitely not what they wear or where they go on vacation. It is sad that we have teachers today that have this attitude towards children, especially when the teacher may be the only one that the child has to look up to as a role model. We need to get our priorities straight, and as teachers our main priority should be a love for the children we teach!!!!


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